Shift your health and wellness strategies for a healthier, happier menopause transition.

Are you in perimenopause?

If you're in your early to mid-forties, the answer is probably yes! Download this free guide to help you figure out what stage of menopause you're in, and what to expect next. Because a little clarity can go a long way.

You'll also get weekly emails with useful information, tips and tricks to help you navigate your menopause transition. Not into email? No worries. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Welcome to Shift for Health. 

It's so nice to meet you! 

Hey there. I’m Rebecca. I’m a certified health coach, yoga teacher, wife, mom of four and founder of Shift for Health. 

I help menopausal women understand what's happening in their bodies, what they can do about it, and how to implement new health and wellness strategies so that they can minimize disruptive menopause symptoms and feel like themselves again.

Want to get to know me better? Click here!

Who I help

Whether you simply want to learn about what's coming or are already in the thick of the menopause transition, I'm here to support, educate, and coach you through it. 



I help women who are in the 5-15 year period of hormonal changes leading up to menopause. These hormonal changes impact every system of the body. This is a crucial time when education and support can make all the difference.



Technically speaking, menopause is the date that marks 12 months from a woman's final menstrual period. However, menopause symptoms can still negatively impact a woman's life even after her period has stopped. I'm here to help.


Post Menopause

As menopause symptoms decrease, I work with post-menopausal women to help them shift their health and wellness priorities and implement strategies to ensure heart and bone health for healthy aging and longevity.

Work with me

Your journey to a healthier, happier menopause starts here. 

Private Health Coaching

One-on-one coaching via video chat to empower you with the information and strategies you need to mitigate or minimize your menopause symptoms so you can feel like yourself again.

Tell me more!

Feeding Your Family eBook

Improve your health (and the health of your whole family) by cooking from-scratch food in smart, totally do-able, efficient and delicious ways. Co-authored with a Registered Dietician.

Yes, please!

Build, Nourish, Thrive

Learn how to shift your exercise and nutrition strategies to support your body through the menopause transition and to set yourself up for health aging in this online course.

Coming soon!

Featured blog posts

Why Should You Work With a Health Coach? 


When I started telling my friends and family that I had decided to get my health coaching certification, the reaction typically went like this: “Wow!  Congratulations!  Soooooooo, um, what’s a health coach?”

So, what is a health coach?

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Damned if You Do, Damned if You Don't. 

Years ago I was habitually making choices that led to not feeling great in my body. I knew I could do better, but I also wasn’t feeling like I wanted to expend energy making needed changes (feeling empowered to make changes is hard when the outcome of your choices is low energy and poor sleep). Then I had a realization that changed everything: either way takes effort.

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Mayo Clinic Studies Benefits of Health Coaching 

Did you know that the Mayo Clinic did a study looking at the effectiveness of health coaching?  And what they found was pretty darn amazing!

“The primary aims of the study were to examine potential improvements in quality of life including physical, social, emotional, cognitive and spiritual functioning, as well as depressive symptoms and perceived stress levels.  The secondary aim was to examine the maintenance of potential improvements over time.”

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Are you missing out?


Each week I send out a newsletter via Substack, and each week I get replies from subscribers who thank me. They say things like:

"I never read email but I always read yours!"

"Your email made me teary this week. How did you know it was just what I needed to hear? Thank you!"

"Your newsletter is SO informative, helpful and fun to read. Thank you for all the effort you put into it!"

Even my own father - a 72 year old man - wrote to tell me:

"These emails are very informative. Congrats on shedding some light on a confusing subject."

(He might be a little biased, so take his compliment with a grain of salt.)

THE POINT IS ... if you're not subscribed, you're definitely missing out.

Find out what all the fuss is about by clicking the button below!

Now I'm definitely curious!