Hey there, I'm Rebecca
It's so nice to meet you!
I’m a certified health coach, yoga teacher, wife, mom of four boys and founder of Shift for Health. And I’m in perimenopause.
Like many of you, I knew next to nothing about perimenopause or menopause when I started experiencing symptoms in my early 40’s. I dove into the research and was appalled at how little I knew, how little anyone was talking about it, and how negative the narrative was around menopause and the women experiencing it.
So I decided to devote my health coaching practice to educating, empowering, and coaching women so they can navigate this stage of their lives with minimal disruptions. Because there are so many things we can do to support our bodies and manage symptoms – we just need to know what those things are and how to implement them.
But here’s the thing: the menopause transition typically comes at a time when women are completely maxed out with the stress of parenting teenage children, work, and caring for aging parents. But it’s okay. Because I’ve got you.
Together, we’ll create a wellness plan that is smart, efficient, and realistic given your crazy busy life.
Then, we’ll layer in high-level accountability to keep your goals high on your priority list and make getting started easier.
Finally, we’ll take a deep dive into self-sabotage so that you can get out of your own way and make real progress toward feeling like yourself again. Because it’s not enough to simply know what to do to feel better, you also need the skills to follow through long-term.
Long story short:
Skillful coaching + your commitment to feeling better = absolute magic.
Are you ready to work together and manage this crazy thing called menopause so you can feel like yourself again? I truly can't wait to meet you!
Get to Know Me Better
Podcasts, social media & my weekly newsletter

Biceps After Babies Radio
Episode 75
How to Bust Through Self-Sabotage with Rebecca Mudrick.

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Here’s the deal: I pour my heart and soul into writing my weekly newsletter. Because if I’m going to take the time to put something together, and you’re going to take the time to click on it, it better damn well be worth it for both of us!
The end result is a weekly email from me that’s short, personal, useful, hopeful, and might even make you laugh every now and then. I get glowing feedback from subscribers which means I can genuinely recommend subscribing below.
And if you don’t like it, you can always unsubscribe and I promise I won’t take it personally. But I have a sneaking suspicion you’ll enjoy it just as much as everyone else in the Shift for Health community.
Yes please!